The World is on Fire- Why Are You Making Soup?

The World is On Fire- Why Are You Making Soup?

People seem to act like I don’t know that the world’s on fire. I’ll post something well-meaning, earnest in message, showing one small place for improvement. Then the reactions roll in like “they don’t really care” and “this is what late stage capitalism looks like” as if I’m not acutely aware, as if my kindness is somehow settled in with naivete, as if that could be her only companion.

Oh my sweet summer children, I wish it were so. How much simpler my inner thoughts would be.

I wish I wasn’t aware of exactly how many large scale impossibly complex problems there are out in that big wide world outside of my little studio. I wish I wasn’t aware how many small problems aren’t also punishingly complex. Ignorance is bliss, but so is this kind of “better than the little problems” and yet still dismissive sword swinging that seems to have become all the rage lately.

I gave up being “the rage” quite some time ago.

The swords are on the wall. I can reach them if I needed. I’ve got the ladle here. Let me dish out something different.

I’ve settled into small changes, like flavors infusing a soup. Little changes work their way out and through improving things in much more subtle ways. Little changes take time. They’re not flashy they’re not here to amaze or astound you. They’re not here to earn points, kudos, or atta girls.

Yes the world is on fire. Fighting it takes energy, strategy, cunning, and persistence. None of those things happen out of nowhere. So, yes, I could spend my time pointing at the fire and saying “stop and look at this instead!” I could sit back and be smug and superior that someone is making soup instead of helping the way I think best. I could drag buckets of water in and throw them all over with no thought and planning hoping that I could help.

Or I could help where I know I can, making those little adjustments and suggestions to individual people who DO care, people who don’t even know what “late stage capitalism” means because they’re out there trying to survive in it. Small improvements add up. Small improvements make for more energy to commit to bigger things.

So, yes I’m aware. Yes I’m awake to so much suffering it forces the air from my lungs sometimes. Being sharp and snarky on the internet won’t put out those fires. I think we’re well past that now.

I’ll be cooking up some earnestness, some grace, and some nonsense to lift some hearts here and there. You’re welcome at my table, but please leave your sword at the door.


“The swords are on the wall. I can reach them if I needed. I’ve got the ladle here. Let me dish out something different”

A dark haired woman smirks at the camera, her eyebrows high. She wears a grey vest, black shirt, red stone necklace, and stands in front of a teal blue backdrop.

Casey H Wilkinson

Sloth human